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Skilling & Employability

Skilling & Employability of women and youth

PCI India focuses on addressing the critical need for a skilled and employable workforce in India. We dedicate ourselves to equip women and youth with the vital tools and training to bridge the gap between education and employability in India.

The Challenge:

    • Only 2.3% of India’s workforce has proper skill training, leaving millions struggling to find decent employment.
    • 381 million young people face inadequate education, leaving them vulnerable and without sustainable livelihood options.
    • High dropout rates and skills mismatch exacerbate the problem, creating a vicious cycle of poverty and unemployment.

Our Model

The PCI’s model leverages the organizations’ inherent strengths in the areas of forging relevant and strong partnerships with public and private stakeholders, deep community connect, strong measurement capabilities and ability to operate at scale.

The PCI’s model for skill development for employability is as follows:

Key feature: Empowers Women and youth with in-demand skills for jobs in high-growth sectors. Building career independence through on-the-job training, expert mentorship, and job placements.