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Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs)

Action to change together (ACT)

A joint initiative of PCI India, Siemens Healthineers and Government of Odisha to combat NCDs- Hypertension and Diabetes.

India is experiencing a rapid health transition with a rising burden of Non-Communicable Diseases (NCD) surpassing the burden of Communicable diseases like water-borne or vector-borne diseases, TB, HIV, etc. The Non-Communicable Diseases like Cardiovascular diseases, Cancer, Chronic Respiratory Diseases, Diabetes and other NCDs are estimated to account for 63% of all deaths, thus making them the leading causes of death. NCDs cause considerable loss in potentially productive years of life. Losses due to premature deaths related to heart diseases, stroke and diabetes are also projected to increase over the years. Government of India is implementing Population based prevention and control, screening and management initiative for common NCDs (Diabetes, Hypertension and cancer viz. Oral, Breast and Cervical Cancer) is being implemented as a part of comprehensive primary health care under Health Wellness Centre in National Health Mission (NHM). Under this initiative, persons more than 30 years of age are targeted for screening and follow ups.

 PCI and Siemens Healthineers joined hands to test creative solutions to address the complex problem of public health which is non-communicable diseases. PCI developed a community-based screening and referral model to improve referral and access to health services, while utilising existing community level platforms to increase health education on NCDs. Between years 2021-2023, with the help of 110 NCD volunteers, we were able to screen 1.26 members for hypertension and 1.01 lac individuals for diabetes in the project period.

 The assessment results (Oct’22 to Jul’23) have shown a significant increase in awareness and knowledge about hypertension and diabetes. Continuum of care indicators reveal positive community engagement, with high follow-up and adherence to medical advice. The health counterpart of Government of Odisha has been appreciative of PCI India in strengthening the screening system of the district.